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Event Kopi Culture South Jakarta Coffee Celebration 2022
Event Kopi Culture “South Jakarta Coffee Celebration 2022”
For you coffee lovers, Indonesian Coffee Culture is holding a Coffee Culture event "South Jakarta Coffee Celebration 2022" which takes place at Lippo Mall Kemang, South Jakarta which will take place from 26 to 29 May 2022
The Kopi Culture event is specially packaged for coffee lovers as well as visitors who are interested in the world of coffee, starting from the coffee market which presents types of coffee from several regions, coffee talks about the world of coffee, to various competitions for baristas. namely Latte Art Throwdown, Fun Roasting Competition, and Manual Brew Battle.
More than 40 tenants also enlivened the event, Scoro Lavino and Denali as sponsors also participated in the Kopi Culture event which offered various types of coffee, tools for making coffee and brought the charm of bartender Zakyoso "Mystic Touch" UNO, an experienced Bartender. able to entertain visitors with interesting menu offerings.
For those of you who didn't have time to attend the Kopi Culture event, don't worry, there are other interesting events. See you at the next event!
Perbedaan Antara Steam Milk Dengan Frothed Milk
Perbedaan Antara Steam Milk Dengan Frothed Milk
Latte, mocca, cappuccino semuanya memiliki kesamaan, selain menjadi minuman espresso yang lezat. Semuanya dibuat dengan campuran susu. Tapi apakah susu di proses dengan cara Steaming atau Frothing, dan apa bedanya?

Jangan khawatir, dalam artikel ini akan dijelaskan dan mempelajari apa yang membedakan dari Steam milk dengan Frothed milk dan bagaimanna espresso favorit anda dibuat!

Frothed Milk

Frothed milk dibuat dengan proses menambahkan gelembung udara. Proses aerasi inilah yang menghasilkan buih atau buih. Tujuan pembuatan buih susu adalah untuk mencapai tekstur tertentu. Ini menambahkan rasa lembut dan lapang pada minuman.
Foam tinggi harus padat dan halus.

Busa sangat penting untuk minuman seperti cappuccino. Karena 1 darri komposisi cappuccino adalah busa. Buih juga bisa masuk ke minuman dingin, seperti es cappucino, yang membuatnya menarik dan bertekstur.

Membuat susu berbusa di rumah sebenarnya cukup mudah. Anda dapat menggunakan stoples atau shaker, atau membeli Frothed milk khusus, Ada juga milk frother elektrik dari scuro lavino yaitu Lookyami battery milk frother yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat frothed milk panas atau dingin, dan membuat buih susu hanya dengan waktu 15-20 detik.

Steamed Milk

Steam milk berbeda dari Frothed milk karena selalu panas dan menghasilkan busa yang lebih halus dan lembut, yang disebut microfoam. Meskipun memiliki "busa" di dalamnya, itu tidak sama seperti busa di cappuccino. Steaming membuat susu sedikit aerasi, menciptakan gelembung udara yang sangat kecil. Ini membuat susu lebih berat dan memberikan tekstur.

Steamed milk adalah komponen kunci dari banyak minuman seperti latte, moka, dan cokelat panas. Itu membuat minuman lembut dan halus, dan microfoam digunakan untuk membuat seni latte.

Biasanya, Steam milk dibuat melalui steam wand pada mesin esspresso. Anda dapat menemukannya di banyak mesin espresso dan pembuat kopi kelas atas. Anda juga dapat membeli steamer susu elektrik.

Frothed milk dan Steamed milk: Apa Bedanya?
Jadi apa yang membedakan Frothed milk dan Steam milk? Frothed milk memiliki volume lebih banyak, dengan jumlah busa yang signifikan. Steam milk dipanaskan dan diangin-anginkan dengan lebih lembut, menghasilkan sejumlah kecil busa mikro.

Steam milk juga lebih banyak digunakan dalam berbagai minuman kopi, sedangkan susu Frothed milk untuk minuman yang membutuhkan banyak busa.

Frothed Milk
• Bisa panas atau dingin
• Jumlah busa yang signifikan
• Gelembung yang lebih besar dan kaku

Steamed Milk
• Selalu panas
• Diangin-anginkan dengan lembut
• Busa mikro halus

Sekarang Anda memiliki lebih banyak pengetahuan tentang kopi untuk digunakan saat Anda memesan minuman susu berbusa atau kukus
Home brewing is for everyone
Home brewing is for everyone
Everyone's coffee journey starts somewhere. There is a lot of information to explore out there such as techniques, tips and recipes, but one of the truest things you can learn about coffee is that everyone can be their own barista!
To start, all you need to prepare a little equipment, coffee beans, water, and a little patience.

With basic knowledge that will make you enjoy coffee from wherever you are. You'll find our recommendations for brewers, coffee grinders, and accessories that are perfect for anyone with a level any expertise to be able to pick up and create, and a set of recommendations that will get you started on the right foot and on an economical budget.

Here are some tools for your home brewing:


Yami V60 Ceramic and V60 Coffee Server Yami


French press



Grinder :


Leika Aero Hand Grinder

Scale :


Digital Scale Yami with Timer

Interested in making coffee at home?
For Scuro Buddy, you must be familiar with the Maquinos Brand, a brand that makes quality grinders that are already widely used by upscale cafes. This time, Maquinos has released a blender series which certainly makes you all wonder what it looks like. Come on, let's take a look at the video highlight below.

International Coffee  People Festival 2020
International Coffee & People Festival 2020
As a brief overview, ICP takes the reference of The London Coffee Festival, an annual British coffee event that celebrates the artisan coffee scene in London and its creative subcultures. The London coffee festival has recently been considered as one of the most important coffee events because it involves a lot of artisan coffee and creative sectors around it, including demonstrations of world-class baristas, street food stands, workshops, coffee-based cocktails, musical performances, art exhibitions, and other artistic things.

During the three days of implementation, ICP was attended by more than 3500 visitors so that this event looks really promising to continue in the future and is classified as successful in realizing its goal as "one of the options". See you at the next coffee event.
Scuro Lavino
Era Prima Blok N No.17
Jl. Daan Mogot Km.21 Batuceper
Tangerang 15122 - Indonesia
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